Truth? You (Definitely) Can’t Handle the Truth

Truth? You (Definitely) Can’t Handle the Truth

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By your leave, let’s start with the argument that religion/the bible/christianity provide(s) a moral code for society. In a word: Bullshit. Not some, but, yea verily, ALL evidence ever collected indicates that religious moral codes/strictures only bring division and strife. It/they do not bring happy, well-adjusted, moral  societies. Why not? Because such codes always ignore the rights and beliefs of anyone NOT part of that particular belief system. Also, the bible itself is a load of shit, but that’s a topic for another day. Further, when that day comes (uhh, nevvuhh gunnuh happen) when all bible-believers agree on a moral code, we may be willing to at least listen to such arguments. As things are, it’s not just impossible to get all 1200+ christian denominations to agree on even basic shit, it is fukkin impossible find even a handful of catholics who agree on anything, other that Mary’s intact hymen. Sheez. So, hey christians, get your shit together IN-HOUSE, and maybe we can chat. Maybe. 

So what DOES provide a workable moral and societal code? Basic humanism serves nicely: communities with a shared sense of concern for the everyone in the given community; a desire for and practice of personal and communal well-being; an understanding that compromise is an essential feature of community; and, a realization that we all share a very fragile existence, and everyone matters. Not some people, but all people matter. Not just the people who “agree” with some twisted religious view. Yeah, yours. 

The “family”, so vaunted in the (useless and nonsensical) family values debate, is actually a perfect example of communism: to each according to their needs (umm, like infants), from each according to their abilities (umm, like teaching youngsters to do chores). It’s incredibly simple: treat others the way you really want to be treated. This leave unlimited room to allow religious wombats like christians to practice their beliefs. And everyone else, too. So, hey christians: fuck you. The world is way bigger than you.

Yeah. You ( christians) can’t handle the truth.

The DevilYouSay
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