Pastor Shepherd

  • F*ck Dead Soldiers

    F*ck Dead Soldiers

    Fuck Memorial Day and fuck dead soldiers. The best thing about it is a day off from work. “What?? How dare you disrespect the brave men and women who have given their lives to protect this great country and YOUR freedom!! Freedom isn’t free! You OWE them your respect and gratitude!” I’ll disrespect them all… Read more

  • God, Guns, and the Flag!

    God, Guns, and the Flag!

    If you’ve ever driven a car in a deep red state, you’ve seen many bumper stickers like this: They’re usually attached to vehicles like this: In today’s sermon, let’s consider this a convenience, not a frustration, because it efficiently conveys to you who in your community is weak, feeble, unintelligent, and useless. These weaklings are… Read more

  • Gender Reveal

    Gender Reveal

    Gender reveals are likely one of humanity’s top 5 most pathetic, ridiculous, and disgusting inventions. They should be a federal crime, punishable by public flogging, or 6,000 flicks to the earlobe. Can we please make that happen? Gender reveals are just another one of those white-people-have-too-much-money-and-too-few-brains concoctions. Fucking white people. I’m ashamed to be one.… Read more