F*ck Dead Soldiers

F*ck Dead Soldiers

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Fuck Memorial Day and fuck dead soldiers. The best thing about it is a day off from work.

“What?? How dare you disrespect the brave men and women who have given their lives to protect this great country and YOUR freedom!! Freedom isn’t free! You OWE them your respect and gratitude!”

I’ll disrespect them all I want. I’ll piss on an american flag. I’ll shit on a picture of a dead soldier and wipe my ass with the flag if I want. Are you going to do something about it?

For one thing, I’m a retired US military officer with plenty of time in the desert, so it’s likely I’ve served this country and “defended your freedom” much more than you ever have or will. I think that buys me some credit toward speaking my mind about patriotism and patriots.

Secondly, I don’t actually have any ill-will about the military, soldiers, or patriotism. I do, however, have all the ill-will in the world against white-nationalists, MAGAts, and disgusting extreme-right-wing gun nuts who have hijacked patriotism so that they can be bullies to anyone who isn’t identical to them (usually ugly, white, christian, and middle-to-upper-middle class).

As long as conservatives use patriotism and dead soldiers as part of their rally cry to be nationalist bullies, then fuck them, fuck patriotism, and fuck dead soldiers.

Praise Cod!

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