Christians don’t believe in the bible. No, they don’t.

Christians don’t believe in the bible. No, they don’t.

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Easy win here. Damn. In golf, for non-golfers like TheDevil, we have a cheat called a “gimme”. What’s a gimme? Well, it’s a courtesy. Par 4 hole, I get on the green in 5, maybe lucky enough to be 10 feet from the hole. First putt, not so bad…maybe 2 feet from draining it. I take my putter, hold it horizontal from the hole, and if the ball is within the distance of the putter head to the handle grip, well hell, no need to actually MAKE that short fucking putt…just take the gimme, pick up my ball, and mark the score. Of course, sinking that putt is far from a “gimme” in reality, but HEY…I digress.

The bible is simply a load of shit, let me state that up front. Again, a topic for much future exploration. For now, here is my premise: not even the most ardent christians really believe the bible, even those who”do”. Whuh? It’s like this: start anywhere in that hideous book, and begin reading alongside a “believer”. Won’t take but a few sentences, again, anywhere in that fucking literary catastrophe, and a verse will be encountered that requires any/every reader to acknowledge that “well, you have to understand the context…” Or some such nonsense. Easy, simple example: 2 Kings 2:23-25. Elisha calls out a she-bear (really? A “she-bear”? What the ACTUAL fuck?) to maul and kill 42 kids for teasing him about being bald. Oh heck yes, the christians have INCREDIBLY FUCKING ELABORATE AND ELEGANT EXPLANATIONS, but they all must start with: yeah, but you don’t understand. Ok. So, it doesn’t mean what the plain language says. Simple. Hard stop.

Genesis flood. Adam and Eve. Tower of Babel. Samson and Delilah. Noah and the flood. The Jews in Egypt. Slavery. Genocide and slaying “everything that breathes”. The Passover. Daniel in the lion’s den. David’s conquests and infidelities. Over and over and over again, start on pretty much any fukkin page of that hideous book (alongside a “believer”), and in very short order, the believer will argue, “well, you don’t understand the context.” Okay, fine. Forget that somehow the believer DOES have magical access to said context…stick with the simple and unavoidable truth: So, it doesn’t mean what it says?

And therein we find: not even the most ardent believer believes in what is ACTUALLY SAYS. Not in the OT, or the NT. Period. It always requires explanation. Or context. Or faith. Fuck ALL of that, and anyone who subscribes. It is a load of The Great CaCa. Okay, I will say it loud and clear: fuck the bible, and god of the bible. He is the most abhorrent character in ALL of fiction.

Still waiting on that lightning bolt. Oh, wait. That is part of the fiction (and the meanspiritedness of christians and their piece-of-shit deity).

The DevilYouSay
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